The Relcutant Reader by Beth Bacon
Panda Storytime at Left Bank Books, St. Louis, MO: In person and online

Panda Storytime at Left Bank Books, St. Louis, MO: In person and online

Left Bank Books welcomes St. Louis author for young readers, Beth Bacon, who will read aloud and discuss her new “true, tender tale of survival,” “The Panda Cub Swap” in our store on September 9th at 4pm! Beth Bacon will sign and personalize copies of “The Panda Cub Swap” available to pre-order at Left Bank Books. Join us in person in the store or our YouTube & Facebook Live Page.
It takes a lot of work to bring a panda cub into the world. They are born with delicate pink skin, they’re unable to see, unable to walk–and even unable to go to the bathroom without help! It’s so much work that panda mamas can only take care of one cub at a time. So when Zoo Atlanta’s beloved giant panda, Lun Lun, surprised everyone by having twins, the zoo staff had to pitch in. They made a plan to share parenting duties with Lun Lun.
Every few hours the zoo staff swapped the cubs between Lun Lun and their workroom to make sure the cubs got equal time with mom. It was hard work, and Lun Lun didn’t even know she had twins! The cubs ate and slept, opened their eyes, and grew beautiful black and white coats. Fans watching around the world submitted name ideas for the cubs. Everyone cheered as the cubs took their first steps. As the cubs grew larger and more independent, excitement grew about their upcoming reunion. Would Lun Lun accept them when she finally met them both? Luckily for Lun Lun, motherhood came naturally.

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Kids Crafts & Stories at St. Louis Neighborhood Block Party and Fun Run

Kids Crafts & Stories at St. Louis Neighborhood Block Party and Fun Run

Fun Run & Fun Walk: Take a 1 mile stroll around the park at your own pace! Family and Friends Relay: Bring your friends and family! This is a 3 leg race. Your team will run or walk 3 laps to complete the relay. Each team member can complete 1, 2, or all 3 laps!
Yoga: This is a one-hour class taught by Nicole Coglianese, Owner/Lead Instructor at Citra Fitness & Movement! All experience levels are invited. Nicole is graciously donating her time and expertise to our event! Remote Fun: Can’t join us at the park? You can still participate and run, walk, bike, peloton, or swim with us from afar!

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