When Kirkus Reviews takes on a book, the read it carefully and critically. That’s why we were so thrilled to see the most recent review of our book, “Alphabuddies: G Is First“ which I co-authored with Karen Kane. They called the story “hilarious and subversive.” That’s exactly what we were going for when we wrote it. Yes, the reviewers GOT IT.The book, they say is fun. Yes, we wanted to make reading fun. The audience of this book is new readers, specifically kids in Kindergarten who are just learning the alphabet and its magical powers to make meaning. The article described the panel-comic visual format as “charming.” Charming is nice but the panels are more than just a visual accessory. As authors we created it that way because we know kids today who are reluctant to read are more apt to take on a book written in panels.“Alphabuddies: G Is First” launches on July 4, 2023.